
Please complete the following form to create a Team App account and join UB Relics.

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New User Account

Member Details

Emergency Contact Details

Custom added membership fields

Which month and year did you join UB Relics?

Write national identity number

What is your passport number?

For students, write student number

For students, write full course name, year of study

What is your height?

What is your clothing size?

How would you rate your skill level?

Which Fast Break Friday league team do you play for?

What are you interested in participating in?

Would you like to volunteer to continue to be involved in UB Relics?

* I fully understand that by signing this registration, I become a member of UB Relics Basketball for one year (12 months) in accordance to the UB Relics Basketball registered constitution. If I so desire to resign, I must do so in accordance to the regulations in the constitution and the bye laws governing UB Relics Basketball. Where payment for fees, merchandise, equipment and so on has been made on my behalf. This will all be paid back in FULL before resignation or non-activity of any kind can be allowed or accepted.
*I am aware UB Relics Basketball runs the BAD Program for playing and non-playing members and I will be expected to participate in the Basketball Athlete Development (BAD) Program.
*I am fully aware that UB Relics Basketball is administered through the University of Botswana (UB) and are affiliated to local basketball associations registered to Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC), as well as regulated by Federation of International Basketball Associations (FIBA) and by Federation of International Sports Universities (FISU). Therefore as a member I am governed by UB Relics Basketball bye laws, the rules of the university and the regulations of the basketball communities mentioned prior, in addition to the civil laws of Botswana.
*I understand that there is an element of risk involved with the playing of all sports, and therefore do not hold UB Relics Basketball, its administrator and/or affiliation bodies responsible for any injuries I may sustain while playing sport. The UB Relics Basketball will as far as possible assist the athletic members to reduce possible injury by providing warm up and cool down sessions and maintaining a safe environment for playing sport.
*Where qualified coaches and administrators are in place, I agree to follow their instructions. I agree that this may be a verbal, visual, physical or demonstrative form of communication. I will ask for further clarification of any ambiguous and/or inaudible instructions.
*I understand that I will be asked to leave a UB Relics Basketball session immediately if deemed to be deliberately not following the Codes of Conduct or ignore instructions from the Coach or administrator.
*I am aware of the repercussions of not reporting for tournaments, training sessions or events as a member.
*I understand that any uniform issued to me remains the property of the UB Relics Basketball and if lost or damaged through gross negligence must be replaced at my expense. I agree, that on leaving UB Relics Basketball, any uniform issued to me will be returned within 7 days. I agree to abide by the Rules of the UB Relics Basketball and by the Rules and the Code of Conduct of its affiliation bodies.
*I agree to this information being kept indefinitely by the UB Relics Basketball, on the understanding that the disclosed information will be kept confidential, and shared only between UB Relics Basketball and the Administration of the University of Botswana, its coaches and administrators. Other than the UB Relics Basketball or where required in consultation with the affiliation bodies, the information shared will not be supplied to any other third party.
*I acknowledge that Botswana is a predominately Christian nation and such practices would occur in UB Relics Basketball
*I am above the age of 18 and as a member will not need a legal guardian’s consent to participate.