
  • Become a Sponsor

    Be part of branded games and events for marketing activities or corporate social responsibility and investment.

  • CLUBS Entertainment Basketball

    CLUBS is a registered trademark under Clubs House responsible for the sports administration and promotion working in partnership with FaithWorx Sports.

  • University of Botswana

    The University of Botswana was established on 1st July 1982 by an Act of Parliament. The University campus consists of that part of the two former universities (UBLS and UBS – see Historical Note) which was situated in Botswana and was sometimes referred to as the Gaborone Campus. The University is closely involved in the national development process of Botswana. In this regard the special functions of the University are to engage in improving the quality and in expanding the quantity of the human resources needed for development, and to act as the repository of the collective knowledge and experience of the nation and the world.
